personomies join folksonomies

What are personomies?: “personal information environment” – the information environment I have built over time, independently of any platform or system. Personomies include contacts, purchases, health records, search history, emails, rss feeds, IMs, voip calls, comments on blogs…etc…any tiny bit of data that is logged and can be tracked back to me belong in my personomy. Personomies are any digital manifestations of me.

One thought on “personomies join folksonomies”

  1. Personomy nice new term, though “Digital Identity” might be a synonym.
    I do understand though that you like to associate somewhat with the concept folksonomy which stands for “the user/reader is in control” and also with visualisation possibility of one person identity by means of fuzzy facets in a tag cloud.
    Regarding the aspect user control there might be good news: Look at : user controlled authtentication services are coming up and driven by a wide variety of Internet industry parties.
    So some first steps are taken to enable personomy management in the future.

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