InformationWeek is running a story about the impact that blogs are having on b2b media.
Micro Persuasion: Tips on Writing Content for your Blog
Micro Persuasion has some good tips for bloggers.
Memeorandum (sic) is a new service from Gabe Rivera, an ex-Intel programmer which aims to do for blogs what Google News does for news. At present the service covers only politics and current affairs and technology but it’s likely other categories will be added over time. It’s updated automatically very regularly and gives a very good top-level overview of what is being talked about in the blogsphere. For those of you who follow blogs, this is the “awesome” softward that Robert Scoble (the Microsoft Blogger Scobleizer) has been raving about without identifying for the past couple of months.
Podcasting: The Next Big Thing
Column by PC Magazine: Podcasting: The Next Big Thing: “There is no doubt in my mind that podcasting is not only here to stay but will also shortly threaten established media broadcast systems. It’s not so much that they will all be destroyed by homebrew networks, but podcasts will be taking away just enough listeners to be a major concern.”
New ebook
Seth Godin has produced a new (free) ebook on blogging…
Citizen Journalism
‘The State’ a subsidiary of Knight Ridder has launched an experiment in citizen journalism called after a now-defunct real-world newspaper. They have hired 25 local experts to blog various topics.
What blogging can do for RBI
Bryan Weatherly tells me: “I was listening to a fascinating by a piece on “Broadcasting House” on Radio 4 on Sunday.
It was a feature on blogging and the internet, prompted by the anniversary of e-Bay and included an interview with Pete Clifton the head of the BBC’s news website who was interviewed by Broadcasting House’s presenter Phi Glover. It’s a perfect answer to the following ‘killer’ questions “Why do we blog? What’s in it for us as a company? Why should RBI treat the internet and blogging so seriously?”
Peter Clifton: “We’ve obviously moved on from the times when we pronounced from the mountain top what had happened and everybody had to sit at home and listen and watch and take it as read. Now our audience is very heavily involved in our news reporting so on any particular day people will e-mail us about what they know about a story we’re covering but on a very big occasion like July 7th or the current hurricanes that are going on, people are e-mailing us with pictures, with their eye-witness accounts, with videos—that becomes a central part of our coverage. It isn’t just something that we have around the periphery and it’s of passing interest. A lot of these images and comments and experiences are ones we’d never gather any other way.”
Phi Glover responded: “It all gives quite a lot of power to the consumer though doesn’t it? And you could equally say it enables us to have more choice but it would enable other people to put out more propaganda—you don’t always know what it is that you’re reading.”
Peter Clifton replied: “One of the main challenges for us as a site is the sheer volume of material that we get sent in. And if we’re going to make use of it within our news reporting and we want to share images, videos, text with other part of BBC news it’s a key part of our job to verify it before we do that. I think over time we’ll see within our site and many others we’ll see a much greater emphasis on the role the people out there—the readers—can play in our reporting. I think they’ll be more places on our site where you’ll be able to read a citizen’s view of what’s happened, their pictures their videos, I think the scale of it will only increase.
I think we’ll need to find a better way of representing it on our site—being more up front about our desire to have the input of the user and the BBC should aim to be over the next few years THE place where people go when they want to involve themselves in the coverage of the news. We’re seeing a fantastic start to that—but it’s only just the beginning.”
Take that last sentence. Change BBC to RBI and what have you got? The reason why we’re getting into the internet and blogging! Even a battle-wearing old warhorse like me can see that it’s the future for business-to-business coverage whereby we can enlist the firepower of thousands of correspondents around the world and leverage their inside-knowledge, their experience, their street-credibility. I can see this is the future. Can everyone else?
Citizen journalism
Wired has an interesting take on citizen journalism in the age of ubiquitous communication and portable devices. The argument is that citizens are a useful infill for professional journalists – though remember this is being written by – guess who – a professional journalist 🙂
The Interdictor
The Interdictor is the last blogger in New Orleans operating from a hosting company which refuses to shut down even though the city is in chaos.
If you take a look at the comment on the previous post, you will see a good example of blogspam, the scourge of the blogsphere!