Kent Newsome has some tips for bloggers based on an earlier post by Scoble.
Daily Candy
Interesting WSJ piece about the likely valuation for Daily Candy – $100m – an email newsletter business being auctioned by former AOL exec Robert Pittman. There’s still money in email…
Flickr latest
Flickr has passed 100 million photos according to Swedish blogger Media Culpa.
Reuters wiki
Reuters has just launched a financial glossary which has been set up as a wiki. There is no reason on earth what b2b publishers shouldn’t do this in practically every sector – and the fact that, as far as I can see, very few (if any) have done so says a lot about the traction two-way publishing is getting in these circles…
The “magic middle”
David Sifry has some interesting stats and thoughts on the state of the blogsphere including what he is calling “the magic middle” – specialised, vertical blogs which exert great influence in their sectors. This sound quite a bit like the role that b2b media plays/used to play…
Media Executive Interview Series: Tad Smith,CEO, Reed Business Information:
Tad Smith interviewed.
Guardian moves
The Guardian is gearing up for a major push into online interactivity, according to
Auctioning magazine ads
Paid Content’s take on Google’s online auction of space in 28 US magazines is here.
Online Inventory
Paid Content has a piece aboutthe online inventory crunch which is happening, they say, because demand is outstripping supply online.