For those that doubt the thesis of Thomas Friedman’s excellent book, The World is Flat, Indian outsourcer Infosys has just posted its full year figures for 2005, reporting continued strong growth. One side effect is that it will hire 25,000(!) people in 2006, says Infosys CEO Nandan Nilekani.
Write for everything, says Herald boss
The Miami Herald editor Tom Fiedler delivered an edict to newsroom staff this week that from now on all staff will be expected to write equally for on and offline media. The memo is worth a read.
User generated riches
MIT’s Advertising Lab points out the rapid rise of advertising on user-generated media, which it says is slated to reach $50M in 2006.
Reuters opens up to blogs
Jeff Jarvis blogs in BuzzMachine about a deal which will see Reuters include blog content in times of large, general interest events such as elections.
Windows lauches Scholar competitor
Microsoft has launched a competitor to Google Scholar – Windows Live Academic. “We have built several features designed to help you rapidly find the content you are searching for including abstract previews via our preview pane, sort and group by capability, and citation export”, says the intro on the site.
Yahoo! maps add satellite imagery
Yahoo! has added satellite imagery to its map service, joining MSN and Google. Yahoo! is still the only one to offer live traffic information, though.