Georgina Henry sparks a debate about swearing on the Guardian’s Comment is Free site.
Buffett: Newspapers are “a business in permanent decline”
Everybody’s a network
Jeff Jarvis on the value of networks. His conclusion is: “in the end, is only that we are entering uncertain and uncharted waters in fluid networks. It’s not clear where the value will be captured and how it will be shared.” But it’s worth reading his arguments…
What people blog, search and email on the NYT
Social Networks Attract Nearly Half Of All Web Users
According to TechNet Social Networks Attract Nearly Half Of All Web Users. “The top 10 sites collectively grew 47 percent in the United States from the same month a year ago to 68.8 million unique visitors, Nielsen/NetRatings said. The sites reached 45 percent of active Web users,” they say.
Second Life Land Deal Goes Sour
“In what might be a first-of-its-kind lawsuit, a Pennsylvania lawyer is suing the publisher of the rapidly growing online world Second Life, alleging the company unfairly confiscated tens of thousands of dollars worth of his virtual land and other property.” From Wired News.
10 Things
10 Things You Might Not Know About Google from Seth Finkelstein’s Infothought blog.
BBC gives second life to Radio One
The BBC is rapidly getting a reputation for ground-breaking forays into the new media space, and the latest, the “simulcasting” of the Radio One Music Festival within Second Life is a good case it point. According to the Beeb “has “bought” a virtual tropical island within the Second Life world, and the radio network believes up to 400 people will be able to attend the event with admission controlled by computerised bouncers.”
Rumour: Yahoo acquired Jotspot
TechCrunch says Yahoo! has acquired Jotspot, the wiki company.
Google Notebook – screenshots from Erica Joy
Pre-release screenshots of the upcoming Google Notebook feature from the Flickr account of Erica Joy.