Will Talkcasts Be Talk of the Town?

From eWeek: Will Talkcasts Be Talk of the Town?: “TalkShoe, a small company in Pittsburgh, has created a Web service that allows users to create and join real-time voice conferences that can be extended to thousands of participants using cell phones, regular telephones or VOIP (voice over IP) devices.
Unlike existing Internet conferencing and chat services, TalkShoe’s Talkcasts incorporate both live and recorded telephone-quality voices, are accessible via a full range of phone connection types, integrate voice and chat, and can be made public or private, according to company officials.”

Bartending, RFID Style

It had to happen: RFID tags in the bar. EWeek reports that a beverage company is now selling an RFID attachment for bottles.

“‘The software converts the tilt into an estimated volume, and the conversion is automatically perfected based on the history of each bottle; hence it becomes more accurate over time and adapts to each bartender’s habits. When the bottle is empty, our sensor knows it and the software readjusts the historical pours of each bottle to the known volume of the bottle,’ said Beverage Metrics CEO David Teller, who said his company has between $5 million and $10 million in annual revenue. ‘Our system reconciles pours to ring-ups and recipes and automatically decides what is a long pour that should be changed to two pours [and] when to combine short pours in sequence.’ “

AOP research digital future

New research from AOP and Deloitte finds publishers much more comfortable about the digital future. On average publishers say digital will make up 40% of revenues by 2012. Advice, distilled from the research, follows….

1. Make it simple Develop and clearly articulate a simple overarching strategy that sets out how your offline, online and mobile offerings interplay. Ensure it delivers incremental value to customers;
2. Know your customer Get to know your customers and grow with them. Don’t ignore the young – they are your future;
3. Profit from personalisation Personalise to provide what customers want at the right price and they will come. Don’t be afraid of breaking your traditional one-to-many publishing model;
4. If you can’t beat them, join them Embrace those who won’t opine about or contribute to your product; they will ultimately enhance and support your brand;
5. Fee or free Look beyond the printed word and focus on the brand at the centerpiece for generating revenue.

by Jim Muttram