Category Archives: Uncategorized

Holding back the tide

Emily Bell, editor of Guardian Online, writes about new proposed guidelines from the NUJ regarding citizen journalists, or “witness contributors” as they rather bizarrely call them. The real thrust of the argument is that only professional journalists can be relied upon to tell the truth in a consistent and unbiased way.

Emily, with some practical experience of that about which she speaks, is not so sure it will work: “If the Canutes who wish the internet had never happened looked around, they would see dozens of services offering words and pictures on all manner of topics without a single professional or paid-for contribution, none of them traditional media organisations. It does not mean those of us working in new media should never engage our brains, or that quality of output should be sacrificed for quantity, but one can work in a world where readers answer back, and include them in a conversation without making it a subject of bizarre demarcation. Most of us should know enough by now to hold up our hands and say we know almost nothing about the future of the media and how it will develop. What is worrying is that those who know least seem determined to exercise impossible certainty.”

Get Google

Ivan Fallon, chief executive of Independent News and Media, takes
a couple of pages of the Independent on Sunday to make the case that Google is going the way of GM and IBM: “every company contains the seeds of its own destruction and it may be that even Google, the miracle of the new media age, has reached the tipping point in the past week” he writes. Given the challenges that Google is presenting to “big media” there may be more than a little wishful thinking here…