Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pay per story

The Online Journalism Blog has an extended piece about Dave Cohn, founder of Dave’s idea is simple:

a journalist, a citizen, a community – pitches a subject to be investigated journalistically; the story is then open for funding, and whoever wants can contribute with a small sum; if the target amount is reached, a journalist takes the story on; finally it gets published.

So far it has worked quite well, too –

“We’ve raised 3000 dollars from about 100 donors, about an average of 33 dollars each.

“It’s like digital poetry”


Words of advice

Marshal Goldsmith, who writes the “Ask the Coach” blog for the Harvard Business Review, has some words of advice for those just starting out on their careers: “In this new era of uncertainty, we all need to think like entrepreneurs.”

He starts his thoughtful post on the pressures of globalisation with the following reality-check:

  • It is tough out there, and it’s only going to get tougher.
  • Forget about security.
  • Like it or not, even if you start out with a large corporation, you need to think like an entrepreneur.
  • Make peace with this reality, and your life is going to be a lot better.

Read the whole post for the whole dose of reality….

Linking to a specific part of a video

Techcrunch reports that YouTube have introduced a feature which allows you to link to a particular part within a video.

To specify a point, append a tag to the end of your video link with the following syntax: “#t=1m45s” (you can change the numbers before the ‘m’ and ’s’ to edit the minutes and seconds, respectively.

Apparently YouTube will also watch for specific mentions of time in video comments and automatically insert a link to the particular spot in the video being talked about.

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Filtering out what you don’t want

Likehacker, the make-life-more-efficient website, has come up with a really creative use of tags. We’re used to using tags to see content about a particular thing; Lifehacker have introduced the concept of using tags to avoid a particular thing. For instance their “politics and election free” feed uses tags to provide a feed of their content without the political stuff. Using the “not:” operator they are enabling readers to compile feeds that exclude the stuff they are not interested in. Great idea, explained in more detail here.

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