Yahoo! president Susan Decker snapped up over $1m in Yahoo! stock when the shares hit a three-year low, says eWeek. Does she know something we don’t? Or is it just general self-confidence?
Technorati Tags: GYM
Yahoo! president Susan Decker snapped up over $1m in Yahoo! stock when the shares hit a three-year low, says eWeek. Does she know something we don’t? Or is it just general self-confidence?
Technorati Tags: GYM
Google has released a new Firefox extension which lets you select text from a web page and then click a “send to phone” item to SMS it to any mobile or you choice – sadly, though, only if it’s a US carrier.
Technorati Tags: tools
Fiona Blamey who writes the Web 2.0 Watch blog comments on suggestions that blogs have had their day, killed off by social media. Apart from being premature – Technorati she notes records that active blogs have levelled off at 15 million – she suggests it’s also wrong. There has, she agrees, been an explosion in usage of social networking like Facebook and Twitter which has taken its toll, but she believe that Steve Rubel’s decision to write only longer, more thoughtful posts on his blog and leave the short, snappy communication to Twitter is likely to be taken up by others. This, she argues, could lead to an overall rise the quality of the blogosphere.
Technorati Tags: blogs, predictions, social media
Who owns what sites that characterise the Web 2.0 revolution? Turns out, it’s all the same old, same old….
Technorati Tags: web2
Why do people join online communities? Lots of reasons, apparently. If you want to read some of them, read the NYT blog post and comments on the subject.
Technorati Tags: blogs, social media
Josh Bernoff from Forrest reviews the latest offering from HP which offers high fidelity video conferencing for a mere $400k. is this the end of business air travel?
Google is trialling a new service which allow the subjects of Google News articles to comment on the piece in question. Interesting stuff…
Technorati Tags: GYM, online, social media
There is speculation that a Facebook group called “I read Business 2.0 — and Want to Keep Reading” has convinced executives at Time Inc to issue a stay of execution on the Web 1.0 poster child Business 2.0. Although there were only 2,000 members, the feeling was this was enough to flush out some potential buyers who have prompted the recall of laid off staffers and freelancers for an October edition.
Google, which made its name in part by offering vast amounts of free storage to Gmail account holders, is now offering to sell additional storage to Gmail and Picassa users. The details are here at Search Engine Land. Still very competitive with Amazon’s S3 – but an interesting move…
Technorati Tags: GYM
According to Wired bloggers in the US are looking to unionise in the hope of securing better terms and conditions. A bit counter-intuitive!!!
Technorati Tags: blogs