Emap reorganises

Emap will announce job losses as part of a £40m two year cost saving initiative which will also equip production teams to work across media, reports the Guardian.

An Emap consumer magazines spokeswoman said: “As part of the consultation process, we are proposing to bring production people together in Peterborough into market-specific ‘publishing hubs’ and invest in them to deliver static and moving content on web, mobile and magazines.”



Whose top in online news?

PaidContent has the details of the spat between the major newspaper sites in the UK over who is the biggest. The Electronic Telegraph is currently running a campaign claiming that it is the number one “quality” newspaper site – citing Hitwise data to prove it. The Guardian, which uses Nielsen/Netratings data, says that proves Guardian Unlimited is number one (although both are behind the tabloids according to Comscore). Simon Waldman of the Guardian then goes on to post in great detail about metrics. All of which just serves to raise the argument yet again as to what precisely is the best way to measure audience online.

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